Sustainability is on top of the agenda for companies. But what what are the implications when offering sustainable solutions to Africa? Sweden Africa Chamber organised a webinar exploring the opportunities and challenges when offering sustainable solutions and technologies to the African market. Marie Brodin, Vice President Sustainable Business & Communications at Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology, and Mattias Goldmann, Chief Sustainability Officer at Sweco, made presentations and participated in an interactive Q&A moderated by Joakim Rådström of Sweden Africa Chamber, and joined by 85 participants. Areas covered in the webinar included: - What Sustainability means for Sweco and Sandvik Mining when approaching Africa? - How Swedish goods, services and technologies help African countries in driving Agenda 2030? - What the challenges are; in general and specifically relating to traditional non-sustainable solutions? - Learning experiences, do's and don'ts The webinar was recorded and can be accessed in the members section.
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December 2023